Specialists in biological services and solutions for healthier soil

It can be tiring and time consuming work when you have to break from core daily tasks to undertake the often lengthy process of sampling, especially given the care that is required to accurately gather and prepare material to the required standards and log the information. We have lots of experience planning sampling schedules and also running around parks, fields and estates to collect them!


We offer a total solution for sample management, working with our partners at SoilBioLab, to cover everything for planning your seasonal sample calendar to meet key times for soil microbial activity, through to implementing the collection and delivery to the laboratory who can return the results directly or upload to a specialised system, such as i-Soil 


Our experienced network has all of the equipment and materials necessary to safely gather material for laboratory testing, in an efficient and diligent manner.  After a free consultation to determine your exact requirements and budget, you can expect work to be carried out using professional apparatus, electronic aids and software.  These are used to record site details, including locations and are used in conjunction with a GIS to plot location points and map these for you to refer to in the future. 




Key Benefits of the Service

Having accurate and compete information from the time of sampling is vital to ensuring that you have something of value future not just at the time of collection, but in the future too.  Our process for routine sampling, re-testing, trial work or benchmarking is replicable and this means that data is comparable and can be built upon, to begin forming meaningful conclusions and planning activities from.

  Your bespoke programme is developed through free consultation
  We can provide you with all necessary equipment and materials
 Save time and let us collect samples for you
  We think ahead and plot positions with GPS and log info in our software
  We take care of getting samples to the lab and the results back to you

We understand that soil organisms need to be treated carefully and take sample accuracy seriously. Our process ensures that samples remain fresh and representative of the site of origin.
The exclusive relationship that we hold with a leading, specialist soil laboratory means that we maintain access to scientific expertise and stay in touch with the latest findings.
We have many years of experience working with all types of growers and producers across many different sectors. Our dedication to customer well being makes us the best choice for soil management services.
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