Specialists in biological services and solutions for healthier soil

We have consciously reduced our range in this area in order to remain faithful to our values and in most cases we would rather assist you to make your own amendments such as compost and liquid microbial additives or compost tea.  Self-production increases an individual’s understanding and generates knowledge.  It is a more cost effective route for a business looking to introduce or enhance a ‘micro-management’ regime.

There may be occasion where a grower needs to take action sooner, or other factors dictate that self-production is not suitable and in these cases we can manufacture/re-engineer our core products: SC#1 compost for compost tea or Liquid Life, a microbial extract for plant and root nourishment.We also have a comprehensive list of approved manufacturers and distributors fromour global network of sources, that we have built up over the years.


The quality of compost that you use directly affects the numbers and types of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and beneficial nematodes in a compost tea solution. A well made compost will also contain enzymes and amino‐acids and good levels of water soluble nutrients and organically bound nutrients– made available to plants when applied. We have taken time to perfect a recipe and develop a method that produces a high quality aerobic compost which we allow to mature slowly over time, to ensure that it is stable and very microbiologically active. In order to maintain the same levels of consistency across batches, we use a selected mix of controlled materials, in conjunction with inoculants and additives that applied at different stages of the process. Batches are routinely tested in the lab to ensure that they meet the correct level of safety and meet our precise standards for biological activity, so that you can be confident that you have a core ingredient for producing the best possible compost tea to spray on your field and grasses.


Liquid Life is an excellent amendment for use on its own and as part of a programme. It is a highly concentrated solution that contains growth supporting nutrients, sugars and amino acids and provides high and diverse numbers of beneficial organisms. It does this through the incorporation of real compost extractions during the production process. When you apply this biologically active amendment, the organisms will help support the natural defense systems of your plants against pathogens and stress and stimulate vegetative and generative plant growth by providing an energy source for soil bacteria. Liquid Life will enrich the root zone of your crops with humic acid helping to increase the cation exchange capacity in the soil and thus improve the cycling of nutrients, reducing your need for applications of nutritional supplements.Cartons are delivered fresh and may be diluted to much larger volumes of water for use straight away on soil and as a foliar treatment.




Key Benefits of the Service

Having learnt many of the skills in quality compost production from some of the best in the world, we have perfected a process that provides a dark brown, blend of organic matter that is just right for making compost tea brews and microbial extracts from. The same material (SC#1) forms a core compound in our liquid product, Liquid Life, that delivers a highly condensed,ready-to-use microbial solution, for applying beneficial microorganisms to soil, fast and without the headache of brewing.

  Tried and tested in a variety of applications like farms, vineyards, trees and parks
  We make it ourselves using the same, tried and tested materials
 Consistent quality, every time
  Every batch is traceable and testing reports a provided upon request
  Rich in fungi with foods that promote fungal development

We understand that people trust us and a reputation for high quality solutions that consistently deliver does not come likely. That is why we always test our product batches and will always make this information available to our clients.
We manufacture and package to order so advise us in time and we will get the freshest, most active product that we can, out to you, when you need it. If you have a bulk requirement, get in touch for a quote.
We know that your business means the earth to you, so we want to support you in getting maximum use and value out of any product or service that we supply.
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