It is still fairly commonplace to manage a growing environment by measuring the chemical and physical aspects. But this is only part of the story…
Whilst you could look at conditions in isolation what about the workforce that underpins a correctly functioning, healthy grow system?
Well, I firmly believe that you should practice what you preach and since beginning my journey in to understanding the ‘life beneath our feet’ I have adopted the same principles that I now help others to introduce in to their lives and businesses. So far, I have not stopped picking cucumbers and tomatoes this season!
We want to give you a few reasons why should should start testing the micro-organisms in your grow media or soil and convince you to look in to the benefits of getting soil life to work for you!

So here it is. Sit up, listen and take heed:
Reason #1 Detect disruptions to the natural processes
By measuring the range and quantity of microorganisms in grow media it is possible to identify system failures. This could be a simple decrease in the bacterial or fungal activity or changes in the ratio of fungal to bacterial biomass relative to that expected for a particular plant or system. This could be an indication that unwanted changes are happening. If you want to start testing soil biology, you should contact a suitable laboratory
Reason #2 Increased efficiency
Careful management of ever hungry microbes will drive production and often increase the rate of growth. As an ecosystem becomes more productive, the total amount of available nutrients within it increases. In order for these to be mineralised and made available for plants, interaction between the different groups of organisms is required – a sure route to fertility.
Reason #3 Minimise losses
Optimal use of available nutrients sits hand in hand with minimising those which escape. The smaller the loss, the more tightly that nutrients are cycled from retained forms to plant available. That means that you need to put in less.
Reason #4 Save money
With a management system in place that encompasses soil biology, it is possible to save on the volume of applied inputs and often decrease the harvest interval. Speak to other producers, growers and gardeners and hear what has and hasn’t worked for them in the biological domain. Alternatively you could always get external advice.
Reason #5 Plants remain in control of the soil interactions
You wouldn’t force feed a baby. Microorganisms will respond to the signals, acids and enzymes released by plants. This means that the crop will absorb what it requires, when it needs it. Bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes respond to changes in conditions and can make scarcer nutrients become more available.
Reason #6 Disease is suppressed
Soil health is ensured when the rhizosphere is loaded with beneficial organisms and the chance of infection lessened as space for harmful organisms is reduced, by overwhelming competition. It is therefore very important to keep the these guys topped up, to minimise the likelihood of attack. Try regularly applying microbes either in the form of compost or by applying a liquid soil and plant feed as part of a planned programme.
Reason #7 Reduce your workload
OK, so there are always things to do, but at least you can enjoy your new role as a micro-livestock farmer! You will never look at soil in the same way again and begin to appreciate the intrinsic link between Physical, Chemical and Biological and how changes to one can have massive implications on the other, especially the soil food web. Working with organisms in the substrate can provide access to many of the difficult to reach places under the surface and help you to get back and maintain soil fertility by realising the full potential of your grow media.
Once you know what you have got, relax! Put your feet up and feel safe in the knowledge that there is a whole plethora of microbes working away for you. Start planning ways to look after and nurture these microbes and they will take care of your plants.
Happy grazing!
If this has wetted your appetite and you just can’t wait to get started in your greenhouse, tunnels or fields, why not get in touch with us and let Mind, Body & Soil help you get started or refine an existing system with our products and hands on advice?
Contact us directly at or hit the button below…